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The Inspiration

Introducing Don Quixote Golf

Apparel and accessories to inspire your golf dreams

The legendary story of Don Quixote follows a middle-aged gentleman from the region of
La Mancha, in central Spain. An avid reader (but not a golfer), he becomes obsessed with the chivalrous ideals glorified in the books he has read; and decides to take up his lance and sword to defend the helpless and destroy the wicked. As Don Quixote retreats to his own world, defending against unbeatable foes, many golfers with aspirations to shoot par or better, have unknowingly done the same.

 Creating inspiration for generations

This is the inspiration for Don Quixote Golf, which took form on the walk to number 18, recanting wayward strokes with my playing partner. We realized that golfers all have a bit of Don Quixote in them, for some of us, a bit more than others. Every time we approach the tee, we believe we can reach that flag in the distance better than our golfing partners, finally having that perfect round and enjoying the spoils. Just as Don Quixote had, tilting at windmill foes. 

He who reads much and walks much

Each of us have met a golfer that truly personifies the impossible dream. They enthusiastically read every article and book with tips that add fuel to their belief in golfing better. You know this because you are told, often, how reading has really helped their game; even though it’s hard to tell at the end of the round.  But this is their quest, no matter how weary.

There is value in all people

We appreciate all Don Quixote’s who walk the links. They make an even four, they tell good stories, and, perhaps, bring the beer. When they lose, they smile and thank you for the day on the course. This is the world they have made and are just as happy to be in it, as they are to finally hit that one impossible shot, and dream of the impossible round.

We invite you to experience the Don Quixote Golf brand of accessories and apparel. Inspired by all who tilt at flags as if they were windmills…and dare to dream. 

Join the quest for the possible.